remainder calculator

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Remainder calculator is used to calculating the remainder when dividing two digits. It is a remainder theorem calculator that calculates the remainder and quotient in the process of division. When you are working with fractions and using a calculator to divide those fractions, every calculator will give you the result in decimal form. You can use the above remainder and quotient calculator to get a reminder as well as quotient after the division.

In this post, we will go through the remainder definition, how to use the remainder calculator, and how to calculate remainder.

How to use remainder calculator?

The remainder calculator makes the remainder calculation very convenient. You don’t need to know the division process to use this calculator. To make a division with remainders, follow the steps below:

  • Enter the dividend in the first input box above.
  • Enter the divisor in the next input box labelled as
  • Press the Calculate button to get the remainder.

It will instantly give you the remainder as well as the quotient after the division. It will also show you the division using a long division method. You can use this calculator to get the remainders as well as to learn the division on your own. This calculator is very handy for students of mathematics in high school.

Remainder Calculator - Result

How to calculate remainder?

The remainder can be calculated in multiple ways. We will discuss the simplest method to calculate the remainder. Follow these steps to find the remainder of a division.

Step 1: Identify values for the division and specify the numerator (dividend) and denominator (divisor). A numerator or dividend is the number on which operation of division is performed while divisor or denominator is the number that divides the dividend. In this case, we will suppose 345 as numerator and 12 as the denominator. So, the fraction will be:

\(= \dfrac{345}{12}\)

Step 2: Divide the dividend \((345)\) with divisor \((12)\). You can use your mobile calculator for the division. After dividing, you will get the answer in decimal. In this case, the answer is \(28.75\). Use our rounding calculator to round the figure to the nearest whole number. After rounding the number, it becomes:

\(= 29\)

Step 3: In this step, multiply the quotient with the denominator or divisor.

\(= 29 \times 12 = 348\)

Step 4: After multiplying, subtract the dividend from the number you get in the previous step.

\(= 348 - 345 = 3\)

After dividing \(345\) with \(12\), the remainder is 3You can use the above remainder calculator to calculate the remainder as you can see, it is only a matter of one click if you use the remainder calculator.

Some other solutions for the remainder calculations

88 divided by 9 => Quotient = 8, Remainder = 7

61 divided by 7 => Quotient = 8, Remainder = 5

88 divided by 12 => Quotient = 7, Remainder = 4

978000 divided by 249 => Quotient = 88909, Remainder = 1

28 divided by 4 equals => Quotient = 7, Remainder = 0

28 divided by 14 => Quotient = 2, Remainder = 0

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