Hex to ASCII


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Hex to ASCII

Hex to ASCII converter is a web-based tool that lets you convert hexadecimal to ASCII. It facilitates the conversion process of hex to text by offering the conversion at one click. The ASCII converter is very simple to use, and you can convert to ASCII anytime from anywhere.

Hexadecimal is a number system with base  \(16\) , and it consists of sixteen characters,\( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9\) and A, B, C, D, E, F. While, ASCII is used as text format in devices like computers, and mobiles. ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, and it consists of  \(128\) characters.

In this post, we will discuss how to use hex to ASCII converter, how to convert hex to text, and much more.

How to use hex to ASCII converter?

If you need to convert your hexadecimal string to an ASCII string, you are at the right place. The above converter perfectly tailored by our developers to meet the need of advance hex to ASCII conversions. It has a very simple interface which makes it very convenient for the user to convert any hex strings. To use this converter, follow the below steps:

  • Enter your hex string in the first input box.
  • Select the conversion option from the given list.
  • Press the Calculate button to see the converted output.

Hex to ASCII converter will automatically convert hexadecimal string to ASCII string and show you the output right away. If you want to convert the string in a reverse manner, i.e. ASCII to hex, you can use our ASCII to hex converter anytime.

How to convert hex to ASCII?

Now that you convert hex to text using the online converter, it's time to learn how can you convert that hexadecimal strings to ASCII by yourself. There are a few methods that can be used for this purpose, but we will discuss the easiest one here. To convert hexadecimal to ASCII, follow the below steps:

  1. Write down the hexadecimal string that you want to convert to ASCII.
  2. Convert each hex character into a decimal number.
  3. Match each decimal number with the corresponding ASCII number using this table. You can also find a hex to ASCII table below for reference.
  4. Write down the characters of ASCII by combining them in the right order.


Convert \(47 6\text{F} 6\text{F} 64 20 4\text{c} 75 63 6\text{b}\) to ASCII.


Step 1: Write down the hexadecimal string that you want to convert to ASCII.

\(47 6\text{F} 6\text{F} 64 20 4\text{c} 75 63 6\text{b}\)

Step 2: Convert each hex character into a decimal number.

\(47 = 71, 6\text{F} = 111, 64 = 100, 20 = 32, 4\text{c} = 76, 75 = 117, 63 = 99, 6\text{b} = 107\)

The equivalent decimal string is: \(71, 111, 100, 32, 76, 117, 99, \text{and} 107\)

Step 3: Match each decimal number with the corresponding ASCII number using the table below.

\(71 = \text{G}, 111 = \text{o}, 100 = \text{d}, 32 = \text{Space}, 76 = \text{L}, 117 = \text{u}, 99 = \text{c}, 107 = \text{k}\)

Step 4: Write down the characters of ASCII by combining them in the right order.

Good Luck

So, the hexadecimal \(47 6\text{F} 6\text{F} 64 20 4\text{c} 75 63 6\text{b}\) is equal to Good Luck in ASCII.

How to convert \(50\) hex to text?

  1. Convert \(50\) to decimal number

\(50 = 5 \times16^1 + 0 \times16^0 = 80 + 0 = 80\)

  1. Match \(80\) with ASCII character in this table.

\(80\) = P

So, \(50\) hex is equal to P in the ASCII text.

How to convert \(4\text{A}\) hex to ASCII?

  1. Refer to the table below to match the hex character to the corresponding ASCII character.
  2. The matching character is below table is equivalent to the ASCII character.

\(4\text{A}\) = J

So, 4A hex is equal to J in the ASCII text.

Hex to ASCII table

Below is the hex ASCII table. You can use this table to convert hexadecimal to text or ASCII.

Hexadecimal ASCII
00 NUL
01 SOH
02 STX
03 ETX
04 EOT
05 ENQ
06 ACK
07 BEL
08 BS
09 HT
10 LE
11 C1
12 C2
13 C3
14 C4
15 AK
16 YN
17 TB
18 AN
19 EM
20 Space
21 !
22 "
23 #
24 $
25 %
26 &a
27 &#
28 (
29 )
2A *
2B +
2C ,
2D -
2E .
2F /
30 0
31 1
32 2
33 3
34 4
35 5
36 6
37 7
38 8
39 9
3A :
3B ;
3F ?
40 @
41 A
42 B
43 C
44 D
45 E
46 F
47 G
48 H
49 I
4A J
4B K
4C L
4D M
4E N
4F O
50 P
51 Q
52 R
53 S
54 T
55 U
56 V
57 W
58 X
59 Y
5A Z
5B [
5C \
5D ]
5E ^
5F _
60 `
61 a
62 b
63 c
64 d
65 e
66 f
67 g
68 h
69 i
6A j
6B k
6C l
6D m
6E n
6F o
70 p
71 q
72 r
73 s
74 t
75 u
76 v
77 w
78 x
79 y
7A z
7B {
7C |
7D }
7E ~