stock calculator

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Fill the calculator form and click on Calculate button to get result here
Net Buy Price --
Buy Commission --
Net Sell Price --
Sell Commission --
Profit / Loss --
Return On Investment --
Break-Even Share Price --

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There is nothing bad about making investments as it helps a person in growing financially. However, things do not work out well if a person has not researched enough about the investment method. The stock market is a good investment option if you have trading skills. This does not mean that you can earn millions with average knowledge. Thinking in such a manner is nothing but day dreaming. People who make large scaled investments without knowing the market inside out can end up with major losses. In addition to that, there are some important factors which you need to know about.

The correct purchase price of the share is one of them. There is a “right time” for purchasing the share. Through market trends and insights, you can get a feel of this time. If you have purchased the share at the right time, its price would rise and then you need to sell it when the profit maturity is reached. This is a stage after which the price would drop instead of increasing. With this commendable stock calculator, you do not have to even think about committing calculation mistakes.

Purchase commission calculations, profit percentage and other parameters need to be calculated on immediate basis when you dealing in stocks. This market changes within no time. This is why stock trading is counted as one of the most volatile investment options. If your calculations go wrong, you can reach rock bottom within no time.

Users of this tool can be absolutely sure about getting accurate results. The technical framework of this tool is completely dependable. Stock traders do not have to check the calculation results while selling and buying shares. They need a tool which they can count on without any thought of doubt. This tool produces error free values and that is what users seek. A stock trader relies heavily on the calculation tool he is using. This stock calculator does not disappoint traders, investors and market analysts in any manner.

Stock Calculator - Example

Do you need to learn the tool and explore the options before using it? This is definitely not a requirement as the tool is very simple to use. This is not one of the stock calculators which can be used by technical users only. You can execute stock calculations easily by using this tool even if you have basic skills.

Let us have a look at the steps of using this tool.

1.    Entering the required input values

There are 6 inputs in total that have to be entered by the user. Here is the list along with the values for viewing an example.

Number of Shares \(= 1255\)
Purchase Price \(= \$10\)
Sell Price \(= \$15\)
CGT rate \(= 13\%\)
Buy Commission \(= 12\%\)
Sell Commission \(= 18\%\)

To view the outputs, simply click the “calculate” button after you have entered all the six inputs.

2.    Viewing the produced outputs

In reply to the 6 inputs entered by the user, 7 outputs would be shown on the screen. The following output values would be produced for the 6 input values written above.

Net Buy Price \(= \$14,056.00\)
Buy Commission \(= \$1,506.00\)
Net Sell Price \(= \$15,436.50\)
Sell Commission \(= \$3,388.50\)
Profit/Loss \(= \$1,201.04\)
Return On Investment \(= 7.43\%\)
Break-Even Share Price \(= \$13.66\)

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